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生食ドリームの権威 朴東基(パクドンキ)教授 建国大学応用生物学部教授

2000〜現在: 建国大学応用生物学部教授
2003〜現在: 機能食品企業研究組合研究顧問
2001〜現在: ゲノム機能分析センター顧問委員会会員
1996〜現在: 食品科学&テクノロジー韓国協会会員
1986〜現在: 生化学&分子生物学韓国協会会員
2000〜2001: 建国大学研究業務局長
1984〜1999: 建国大学自然科学生化学科教授
1997〜1999: 分子生物学&生化学韓国協会秘書長
1996〜1999: 自由顧問委員会委員急進分子学会顧問委員会委員
1994〜1995: ハーバード大学医学部(米国)客員教授


キノコ菌混入よる機能作物作成方法(特許番号:0334248 韓国)
ニキビ・吹出物治療のための自然物質抽出成分(特許番号:147332 韓国)
化粧品用自然物質抽出成分(特許番号:0272463 韓国)
肉質向上効果のある魚用飼料とその加工方法(特許番号:0346164 韓国)
固形状機能食作成方法(特許番号:0388668 韓国)
便秘や腸の働きを改善する効果のある健康補助食とその成分(特許番号:0437933 韓国)

  • Extract of Phellinus linteus Grown on Germinated Brown Rice Suppress Liver Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Rats. Biotechnology Letters 25: 2093-2096 (2003)
  • Efficacy of Dietary Aloe vera Supplementation on Hepatic Cholesterol and Oxidative Status in Aged Rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 49: 292-296 (2003)
  • Antioxidative Effect of Chitosan on Chronic Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatic Injury in Rats. Toxicology 187: 67-73 (2003)
  • Effect of Dietary Pectin on the Production of Immunoglobulins and Cytokines by Mesenteric Lymph Node Lymphocytes in Mouse Colitis Induced with Dextran Sulfate Sodium. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 67: 1706-1712 (2003)
  • Effect of Dietary Level of Pectin on Immunoglobulin and Cytokine Production by Mesenteric Lymph Node Lymphocytes and Interleukin-2 Receptor in Rats. Food Science and Technology Research 8: 14-16 (2002)
  • Antioxidantive Activity of Persimmon and Grape Seed Extract: In Vitro and In Vivo. Nutrition Research 22: 1265-1273 (2002)
  • Therapeutic Agents against Bacteria Causing Porcine Pneumonia. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 11: 1102-1105 (2001)
  • Flow Injection-Chemiluminescent Assay for the Determination of Superoxide Dismutase Activity. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 79: 337-341 (2001)
  • Effect of Dietary Restriction on Age-Related Increase of Liver Susceptibility to Peroxidation in Rats. Lipids 36: 589-593 (2001)
  • Antibacterial Compound against Pasturella multocida and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Causing Porcine Pneumonia. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 11: 350-353 (2001)
  • The Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Dopamine-Induced Death of PC12 Cells are Dependent on Exposure Kinetics. Neuroscience Letters 296: 81-84 (2000)
  • Application of Flow Injection-Chemiluminescence to the Study of Radical Scavenging Activity in Plants. Phytotherapy Research 14: 250-253 (2000)

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